If you want to achieve perfect stats on specific tank of any tier this proposal is your choice! We can perform battles on any server. Attention! For order from 60$ we reward 5% of order sum as bonus points, from 120$ - 7%
We guarantee:
- If you order 30+ battles:
- Damage not worse than top-20 for specific tank for month preceding month of order on EU server (you can check it here). For tier X tanks damage will be 3500+ for any HT/MT/TD (typically 3800-4600 damage). Winrate on small orders is not guaranteed.
- If you order 60+ battles:
- Damage not worse than top-10 for specific tank for month preceding month of order on EU server. For tier X tanks damage will be 3600+ for any HT/MT/TD (typically 3800-4600 damage) and WN8 3600+
- 58%+ winrate (typically ~65%)
- Mastery badge in 95% cases
- If you order 120+ battles:
- Damage not worse than top-7 for specific tank for month preceding month of order on EU server. For tier X tanks damage will be 3800+ for any HT/MT/TD (typically 3800-4600 damage) and WN8 3800+
- Winrate 60%+ (typically ~65%)
- Mastery badge guaranteed (except tanks for global map and obj 279e)
If you want guaranteed 3rd mark - you can use this offer
You can order battles for several tanks and ask us to play on them in any proportion. Winrate guarantee works for total amount of battles, damage guarantee - separately for each tank.
- Tank(s) should be in top complectation
- There should be enough credits on account for setting up the necessary modernisations
- Crew should have 100% of main speciality and at least 2 additional perks.
- Driver should have possibility to retrain the crew if necessary
- It should be enough credits on account (up to 50k/battle for tier 10 tanks if premium account is activated, 35k/battle if there is reserves for credits available 1hr/5 battles)
We have right to use reserves for crew exp, credits and free exp if client not against it (usually it's profitable for client).
If for some reason damage/winrate will be lower than guaranteed we will make compensation by additional battles (10% of initial amount per 100 damage), bonus points or complete redo of order. If we did 4300+ damage (for orders from 60 battles) or 4000+ (for order from 30 battles) order considered to be completed even if we not in top-20.
Winrate guarantee for LT is 3% lower than for other tanks